Thursday, April 3, 2008

Little Christopher

A dedicated volunteer was watching and trying to rescue a pregnant feral cat in Hyannis. She was sure the cat, she named Charlotte, was going to give birth any day. Then Charlotte disappeared. The volunteer, determined to rescue the mother cat and her babies, searched on foot for hours; walking around buildings, and looking under bushes until it was dark. She then decided it would be safer to continue her search in the morning. At sunrise this volunteer headed back to Hyannis and headed for an abandoned barn in the area. She had a hunch this would be where Charlotte would go. She head to the back of the barn and the roof was caved in. Carefully and slowly she searched every small crawl space. When she came across 2 cement blocks stacked at an angle against the barn, she knealt down to look closer and reached inside. She felt something soft and furry deep in the crevice. As she reached in the hole she felt the tiny bodies of Charlotte's kittens. She pulled them out one by one, a total of 8, all with their umbilical cords still attached. The kitttens were no more than 12 hours old, so she wrapped them in her jacket and proceeded to set a havahart trap next to the hole. Within 6 hours we got Charlotte, and reuinted her with her babies. All were fostered until the age for adoption. In addition, Charlotte was provided with the medical care she needed and returned to her colony site. She is being cared for by a wonderful caregiver!

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